I'll also mention from now that this post will mainly be related to religion; so if that bugs you, then you may want to stop reading right now. However you can probably still take something out of it (hopefully) if you decide to read it.
Another point I'll mention is that whatever I say in this, I advise myself of this first & foremost and then everybody else.
To give a very brief background, it all started with an event at MIC related to 12th & Awaited Imam (AJTF) where there was a question brought up about how the Imam (AJTF) will only appear when there are 313 true momins in the world (this event was held the day before I started getting sick). Fast forward a little bit to when I got sick and resting up as much as I could, my mind started to wander on many things. One of the things that came to mind was loyalty & betrayal (similar situations I mentioned in my first blog, but different event itself). And that's where I had my epiphany. What was the epiphany? I'll get to it in a moment. But after the epiphany, I ended August with a two-for-one 'Quote of the Day' with two hadiths related to both loyalty & betrayal. These hadiths are as follows (and I'll also go over these after explaining the epiphany):
"Loyalty is the fortress of chiefdom." - Amir ul-Momimeen, Imam Ali (AS)
"Betrayal is the fountainhead of hypocrisy." - Amir ul-Momimeen, Imam Ali (AS)
"Betrayal is the fountainhead of hypocrisy." - Amir ul-Momimeen, Imam Ali (AS)
So what was my epiphany? Well, a lot of people often wonder how it could it be with nearly the billions of people in the world and those before us, how could there not be 313 true momins? While there is a lot of factors & reasons, the one that stuck out to me was (and this is where the epiphany kicks in) that there is a lack of loyalty. Betrayal is very apparent in this world and in actions of people. So why does this affect the Awaited Imam (AJTF)?
The question should actually be "Why would the Awaited (AJTF) show up when there are so many disloyal followers? When there is so much betrayal? When you cannot trust the majority?" This is the same problem that the other Masumeen also faced throughout their lives (e.g. think of Imam Hassan [AS] and the situation after Imam Ali [AS] was martyred - refer to my previous post 'The Forgotten Imam [AS]'). The Awaited (AJTF) will only re-appear when there 313 loyal followers; followers like the 72 Aba Abdillah, Imam Hussain (AS) had in Karbala. And sadly, it hasn't reach to that point. This is the bitter truth.
One thing I also want to clarify: when I refer to loyalty, I mean in the sense of what is haqq (right / truth) & what is batil (wrong / false). We need to differentiate between what is haqq & batil, and then remain loyal to what is haqq while avoiding what is batil.
Loyalty starts off with those closest to us: our family. There are many hadiths on the rights of our parents (especially our mothers) over us. There is also a huge stress on keeping relations with your family (not only your immediate family, but also your relatives).
After this, comes your close friends. There are also many hadiths on what a true friend is and the importance of not betraying their trust.
The next part comes to people of the community, which is stressed in importance through 'brotherhood' & 'sisterhood' (i.e. people of our Ummah are considered as brothers/sisters in faith). And close to this, is everybody is outside of the Ummah (i.e. equals in humanity as Imam Ali [AS] has referred to them).
And finally (but most importantly) comes loyalty to Allah (SWT) and His chosen ones (i.e the 14 Masumeen [AS]). Why is this one not first? Because if you are disloyal to any of the above, you are immediately disloyal to Allah (SWT) and the 14 Masumeen (AS). In order to reach the highest stage of loyalty, you have to start off with what is closest to you. And that leads to the next point.
How can we expect to be loyal to our Awaited (AJTF) when we can't even be loyal to those who are closest to us? Backbiting about friends; doing something that you know will hurt your mother; going behind your sister's back and keeping close relations with people that have hurt her. All these things are disloyal; all these things are betrayal. The answer to the question: we can't. Sadly, people are under the illusion that they'll be loyal. But being loyal takes much more than just saying. It means to actually do it, no matter what. No questions asked, nothing. And this itself takes a high level commitment. And when a person betrays those who are closest to them, they have no foundation set on even being the least bit committed. Outwardly, a person say whatever is the correct thing to say; but internally, they won't act on it. This makes them amongst the munafiqoon (hypocrites). And we must be VERY careful of this, because the position of & outcome of being a hypocrite is well known.
Once a person is able to stay loyal and not betray those close to them, then they can work towards developing a higher level commitment where they will be successful in remain loyal to the Almighty (SWT) and the 14 Masumeen (AS), especially the Awaited (AJTF).
Keep in mind, loyalty doesn't mean that you keep silent when someone close to you is doing something wrong. That's a part of loyalty; to let them know if they're doing something wrong and help them to correct their way. By not doing so, you are betraying them because they have put their trust in you to help guide them if they ever need it (and vice versa).
Going back to the two hadiths. Take a look at the title of who the hadiths are attributed to: the Commander / Leader of the Faithful (Amir ul-Momineen), Imam Ali (AS). He is the best of leaders after the Holy Prophet (SAW). In a few words, he explains of both what loyalty and betrayal are.
As the most loyal follower of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the most loyal to Almighty (SWT) after the Prophet (SAW), he is recognized as the Commander of the Faithful. When a person is loyal, people will trust that person; and in most cases, people will return that loyalty. And in the same way if someone betrays people, they are a hypocrite; they some one thing and do something else.
Therefore, loyalty is one the qualities of a leader and betrayal is the quality of a hypocrite.
Again, I speak to myself before I speak to others. Let's work on being more loyal to haqq. Because once there are enough momin who are truly loyal in all aspects, the Awaited Saviour (AJTF) will then re-appear, God-willing.
Also, if I have offended anybody, my sincerest apologies as that wasn't my intention. But I hope that whoever read this was able to take something away from it.
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