This isn't a continuation from the the blog post I wrote called "Reflection", but has a bit of a similar concept behind it and is another reflection.
I posted a Facebook status with some very brief points (for various reasons).I wanted to write a blog post about it as well, but didn't get the opportunity till now.
Last week on the way to the grocery store, there was a major accident I saw between a motorbike and a car. While passing by the scene, I saw the biker laying on the ground while somebody was checking him. There was no police or ambulance there because it seemed like it was a fresh accident as there was Good Samaritan that was guiding traffic and telling people when to go just to make sure no other accident happened or that first accident didn't get any more terrible.
I don't know what happened to that guy who was laying on the ground (and didn't see it on the news either, although I may have missed it). I don't know if he was okay; I don't know if he was taken to the hospital; I don't know if he survived. That image of him though just laying on the ground is imprinted in my mind.
It goes to show how short this life can be, and within an instant everything in life can completely change (I know this better than anybody); it can even change from life to death (just like what happened here - a possible/potential consequence; I'm hoping though the guy was okay and only would have gotten minor injuries at the most).
We should never take anything for granted: family; friends; food; job; money; the Almighty; etc
Show love to your loved ones; be friendly to people; do as much good as you can. Not only will these things make your life more positive, but you can really have an affect on another person's life. Avoid hurting other people's feelings and playing with their emotions; this can also affect another person greatly, and it can also come back to haunt and/or hurt you in other shapes or forms.
Don't have any regrets or any doubts in life; the "what if" questions are always killer and will cause you unnecessary emotional & mental anguish. Avoid the doubts in all facets of your life, especially in the major decisions.You need to trust yourself and the decisions you make; trust your 'aql (intellect), your reasoning, and your intuition (when you've carefully pondered over something and have used your intellect); but most importantly, trust the Almighty (SWT) that you're making the right decision and that He'll help you no matter what the outcome is. The Almighty (SWT) has given us these gifts for our own benefits and we need to use them to make our own decisions; we shouldn't let another person decide our fate or rely solely on traditional methods/procedures of making decisions. No doubt (no pun intended) that doubts will still be there; that's natural and that's when it becomes necessary towards using methods/procedures to remove the doubts, or seeking advice and/or help from somebody else. But when we don't use our intellect, reasoning, & intuition, then we'll end up blindly following results from the methods/procedures or accept the decisions another made for us. To put this into perspective, it would be like somebody deciding for you or something telling you to jump off a cliff and you accept it without using your own intellect, reasoning, and intuition. So avoid having the doubts; it will make life easier for you and also give you time to focus your energy in a more positive way. Which leads to one last point.
The most important point, is striving in the way of the Almighty (SWT) to continuously get closer to Him; because that is our ultimate goal in life (or should be). And if we are close to Him, He'll find a solution for is in the problems and challenges that come up. Keep in mind this verse:
"...We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." Holy Qur'an, Surah Qaaf (50:16) (this is the second half of the verse).
When we realize how close the Almighty (SWT) really is to us, we can improve our relationship with Him and get closer to Him by striving towards Him and His path.
These opportunities may not be available again tomorrow, or even later today. Because this life can be short; within an instant everything in life can completely change; and it can even change from life to death.
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